Are you looking to burn a few calories? What if you can burn calories while making a positive impact on the environment? The Calorie for Carbon™ program may be the solution. Calories for Carbon™ is a global call to action to offset the carbon footprint by using calories typically burned during everyday exercise and redirecting that energy towards specific environmental and social projects. The goal is to offset individual, corporate, and state carbon footprints through deliberate human Ecosystem Services (ESs). Participants will plant trees, build gardens, work on clean-up projects, flash mobs projects, gardens, sustainable houses projects, and much more. It is super easy to get started. Simply following three (3) steps below and you can join the global Calories for Carbon™ team:

  1. Make a calorie commitment of 500, 1000, or 2000 per day.
  2. Purchase a t-shirt and device packages, and follow instructions sent in email.
  3. Choose from our projects or create your own, then keep track of your calories used.

Join us in making an impact on the environment, as well as on our human well-being by “losing while others gain” and “using your energy for good”. Together we can offset the carbon footprint in your city, state or country while promoting healthy habits and awareness of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Hope to see you on location.

500 A DAY
1 t-shirt and watch

1000 A DAY
3 t-shirts and watch

2000 A Day
5 t-shirts, watch & more


EEIC wants to understand the diverse needs of others and build each person to their full potential. This includes proper nutrition, access to nature, adequate housing, and overall quality of life. Ultimately every person should have equal access and be able to create the best version of themselves.


Impact at a Glance

EEIC is located in Miami, Florida. Our focus is to provide environmental, social, and economic justice to Florida residents and globally through our network of partners, advocates, and stakeholders. We target the most vulnerable communities to economic, social, and environmental disruptions.

  • = Present
  • = Future